well moms about to say.. 'sarah lets get going'
told yah!!!! we're going home.. Hunters Saftey at 9 a.m. SHARP! i s'pose. i'll call sam thenn... maybe. ughhh idk.. i guess i'll just call him at 4.. shit. i really miss him!!!!!!
well i guess i godda go.. i'll prolly write tomorrow at like 4ish.. i'm gonna POSSIBLY try going to class without my knee brace??? hmm.. or atleast not wear it for a while.. i've been sitting at the computer with it slightly bent for the past 2 hours.. i've had to get up like 5 times every 20 minutes.. lol..
well moms making me get off now so we can go home.. but whatever lol peace!
I hope you understand what I just said.
cute diary.