
Feeling: glum
-I feel bad lately because I say I will do something and it just seems never to work out. Like the other day me and some friends were gonna go shopping and we did and I was going to drive but my parents didn't want me to because it had just snowed and they didn't know how the interstate would be because we were going out of town to do some Christmas shopping. I felt bad because my other friends had to dive and they always drive. I just feel like I have no time to do anything even though I find myself still finding time to sit around and be bored. The holidays even though I love them so, they give me anxiety. I hate going out in the crowd because I am always afraid something will go wrong. Tonight I was supposed to stay with my friend beth and I feel bad because I wanted to but I couldn't because I have to get up early and pick up because I won't have any other time to. I went car shopping today found some good stuff, so hopefully I will be getting a car soon, I hope. I have two finals on monday and I will be done with school and then hopefully I won't be as busy because then I will have time to do some stuff during the day, well maybe because I have to work a lot well alittle bit more now that school is out. Just a lot of little things. oh well rambling again, lol. I went shopping yesterday and had a good time got some stuff but still have a ton left to do. The hardest present this year is the one for my parents I am planning on getting them a portrait of me, my sister, and my brother. Some people might be like oh well that isn't important but it is because we haven't had a portrait of me and my siblings in such a long time I know my mom and dad will love it. But then again, lol finding time to go and get it done especially trying to find time when my sister is free, she is really busy. ok well I am going to go, have a good night. laterz, Stubbs : )
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hey kim - I just think your parents need to cool their britches and realize that you are an adult. Plain and simple. Beth is going to ask people over for a little while tomorrow for some spaghetti adn a movie, if you could go? I'm sure she will be calling you tomorrow. Well hope you had a good day. :)