Movin on up to the East Side!

-A lot has happened this past week. My good friends are moving down to Florida because I think things will work out better for them and they probably just need to get away from Illinois even though I don't want them to. My good friend Janet is going to take over there apartment because the lease on the place isn't up until towards the end of the year. I am gonna "move in" with her over the summer for a few months so she won't have to be there by herself. It will be fun but at the same time I know it will be tough for her because her sister is leaving and I know if my sister ever left even though we don't get along that well I would be torn apart. I probably won't want to move back home, lol, at the end of the summer just because of all the freedom won't be use to that one, lol. Anyways, I have to drive my dad by the place on Saturday because he just wants to see where it is at because he doesn't know about the neighborhood but I am about 90% sure he will let me stay. I guess if I didn't have to pay for school or if I wasn't trying to pay for school without going into to much debt I would just move out completely but it is hard even if school is already paid for. It will be fun and I am glad that Janet asked me or told me about this because I am glad I can help out. Benefits both parties, lol. laterz, stubbs
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and you know I appreciate it greatly.
we,.. or at least I can have some cry fests.
oo yay. :(
See ya tonight! Bring clothes to work!
Love ya,
You no what, you background fucking meses with mi head