Bored and I think I need

Feeling: cool
Goodness I'm so bored!!! Man! I think I seriously need to get out of this house...but I know I gotta help Richard...too bad Fun stuff....last night was so tiring...well we went to the mall and I got a new Billabong swinsuit...super's brown, purple and white. I also got a new skirt and got my mom some Roxy sandals. She likes them thank. No more wearing mine!! Well anyway so we get home from shopping and getting cigarettes and dinner at about 10:30..well my step dad has this super bad problem and he had to go to the ER on a friday night and have it cut open! Poor thing, its hurting pretty bad and were all sitting here crackin jokes about it! But Chrissy had to spend the night and that was fun. We watched Jumanji until like 12:00 and slept for 3 hours, got back up at 3:00 and talked to my mom about what was going on until like 4. Finally I got to go to sleep! But it was supposed to be my family birthday party today and we had to cancel it until next weekend. That stinks, but I really hope Richard starts feeling better. I was supposed to go a tournament today and I had to cancel that. PLUS I have one tomorrow too but I don't have any clue how I'm supposed to get up there!! I'm stuck in my home all day! One good thing though, Nathan and Chrissy are going to rent Monster, Miracle and Welcome to Mooseport. WOO WOO! lol...well anyway I better get going. Gotta go take a shower and go some of this homework. continued... well that movie Monster was a trip...I got half way through Miracle and was so tired that I crashed out. dang. oh well. Well I better get...later Bre
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Hey Bre Check that girl's diary I think if I'm not mistaken he's talkin crap! I could be wrong tho! Tori
what's up Bre good attitude! I'm so proud of you! Anyways I'll talk to you later! ~ Tori ~
bre add me i made one!!! ok, homegirl? love u!