Whoo! Got my *new* entry!

Listening to: Dearest/Fukai Mori
Feeling: happy
Well, I checked Jilly's diary and she put a new entry up on the 24th I think...so I figured mine should work as well. Everyone get some good stuff for x-mas? I got a new tv that I "didn't" know about...got a dvd player and tape player in it...and I also got the first Inu dvd that I "didn't" know about as well! Go me! Besides that, got the regular stuff...clothes...bit of this and that...ya know. On a different part of the day...I tried drinking coffee again. I used to when I was little...out of a little coffee cup loaded with sugar and cream...and I can't stand Michael's breath when he drinks coffee and I guess I still can't stand to drink it. Gave me sorta of a headache...so I'll stick with my Pepsis and Cokes! Well, I got another Inu Yasha friend on here now! Got Sango...and now a Kagome...which both have cool diaries...and mine just sucks! Help me please!!! lol...I guess...you don't HAVE to. Hm...I wonder if I'll ever finish my Sesshoumaru picture...it's just been sitting in my room...ugly as can be...that's such an insult to him. Hm...I personally think all the guys are cute...but Miroku could straighten up a little! ^^ Well...I guess I'll go...byes! Blair *~P.S.~* Tomorrow is the year and 4 month mark for me and Michael! ^^
Read 7 comments
Okies, I'll help...just I don't know how either...lol
Dude. I can make your journal pretty. yay on your things that came as a 'total suprise'..

jillian..who is lazy enough to not sign in..
Awww that awesome that you guys have been together for that long!
Wow! I'll help you with your diary, but I'm not sure I'm very good. Anyways! I'm glad I found so many Inuyasha friends!
To get a picture over the "Lady Sango" You name your picture "top_left" I hope that helps! and I could help try to find some pictures for you too
I dunno any sites for Kikyou pics but I'll look! ^_^
whoa...for some reason i just started getting into watching inuyasha (spelling?) yea...its very interesting

have a happy new year