x0_20 yaay

Feeling: organized
For once I have a bright outlook on the day. WHOOOO go me. I'm such a cynical person. Emily and I will hopefully have a good day. I'm supposed to be going to her house but I still haven't heard from her...hmmm...She was supposed to call a half an hour ago. Oh well, I'm sure it will work out. At least I HOPE it does. Hey its sunny!!! YESSSSS!! I might be going to the mall. Sweetness. Yes I am a sped. A true sped till the end, right Alli?? haa. Going to look for Emily's and my notebook. lmao yes we're starting a good ole notebook. GO US!! l a t e r...leave some x3 -[ x ]- [ o ]- Megz -[ o ]- -[ x ]-
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its called a "slam " book if you didnt know