x0_38 At Emily's

Listening to: the birds singing
Feeling: pure
--»Hey everyone!! I know I haven't updated in a while...I might have actually developed a life lol...or maybe not. Well today was the bomb diggity. lol Emily and I went downtown. Just for a lil while and then her mom picked us up and took us to her house. FUUUUN stuff happened. Shannon started with Emily. It was a whole but fiasco. Don't even ask. Well anyway...I am wearing the CUTEST outfit. lol it's a grey and pink plaid skirt over jeans and my "I am tiger hear me meow" shirt. I have my hair straight and am wearing a pink and brownish black Von Dutch hat (don't worry its SUPER CUTE). I am totally punk. And I am wearing a skull arm cuff and a spike arm cuff. I x3 being a punk!! Got a new sn--»x0 sUiCiDaL L0vE«--add it!! No that does NOT mean I am suidical!! It means that love is suicide. I know like a million people would ask me if I was suicidal so I figured that I'd better explain. --»So a lil while ago Em and I went on the school website and e-mailed a few teachers lmao it was SOOO funny. We wrote stupid stuff. We were gonna write Mrs. Leet's message. "I think Mr. Box loves you and wants to bang you." lol we didn't. We were gonna put it in white so you couldn't see it but decided against it. Yeah so that's about it for now...enough mischief for the moment...ttyl leave some x3 -[ x ]- -[ o ]- Megz -[ o ]- -[ x ]-
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hey i love the new sn....ttul
g2g im in school..luv the teach i s coming