Listening to: MIssy Elliott - Lose Control
Feeling: hyper
MUSiC MAKE Y0U L0SE C0NTR0L!! ha ha ha I love this song!! Casey and I are having a damn good time! Last night we went to the American Idol concert which was hawtt! There was a gay guy dancing like an idiot. . .it was too funny. The people behind us were DRUNK. I mean like hammered. Then we got free frozen pop tarts lol and it was pouring when we got out and we had to run in the parking lot. We were parked wayyyyy back and got soaked. When we parked before the concert we were making fun of our parking spot because we were closer to Target than the Arena. So yeah..
Today we were going to go to Camel Beach but the forecast was bad so we didn`t. Instead we went swimming and were like jumping into the pool and I fell which was wayyy too funny. Soon we are going to the movies to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Johnny Depp looks mad freaky.
I`ll try to update laterzzz
leave the love
-[ x ]- -[ o ]- Megz -[ o ]- -[ x ]-
♥ megan =D
♥ Jackie
luv ya