x0_26 :'(

Feeling: irate
Bonnie was getting on my nerves today. She kept asking what was wrong and I insisted that nothing was even though--guess what?? I have a problem with being ditched. Imagine that!!! Who would've effing thought??? She was all happy because her dad and Jamie's mom are probably going to get married. They already live together and have known each other for almost 3 weeks. In those three weeks my life has plummeted into a black hole of hell. grr!! We lost to Abbington Heights. Wow that's a shocker. We were up by 7 and then we bombed to like down by 12. My stupid ankles caused my to keep score for another game. Gosh durn it («---that saying is from the gay thing we did in language today)!! After the game I went to missy practice which I would say was funner (like 10 million times funner). When I got there I had to bat and Nora was my courtesy runner. YESSSS!!! Useless ankles. I pitched and I'd say that I did OK. According to RJ really good but all of the pitchers on our team are good. Majorly tired now...I have missy practice but I'm not sure if I can go...:'( NOOOOOOOO!!! I want to pitch again!! It's GREAT!!! lol I know I'm a sped...I'm OK. leave some x3 -[ x ]- [ o ]- Megz -[ o ]- -[ x ]-
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yeah i like that 2 its suposed 2 have a sparkle thing at the top but it doesnt! i dontnno why ohh well
niice layout.........