So Pissed!!

Today my friend told me that she was gunna go anarexic!!!(or how eva u spell it) i told her that i was mad at her and when i walked out my best friend dan told me she was cryin... so i went bak in and said im sry but there is no need for u to do that to urself ur gunna make urself sick!!! its just really starting to piss me off. i wish my friends wouldnt do that to themselves. any who that kid miles asked me out last night!! yes!! i was so excited. i cant see him until like july4th because hes in Florida.. i wish i was there!!! lol have fun in the sun get layed in the shade!!! lol not for real im not like that but i say that all the time... i kind of wish things would get betta. o ya i kind of like this otha kid and i dont really kno if i wanna go out wit miles. it fells weird i dont kno y!!! but it just does. its cRaZy u prolly wouldnt understand....ya but tomorrow is my trip to cedar dale so that should b fun. im gunna get made fun of tho...because im flat(not to b gross or anything) but i can fit into a little kids bathing suit so everyone is gunna make fun of me for it!! o well ill make the best of it.!.!.!. i cant beleive that its gunna rain on our trip. they said that if it thunder and lightnings then we r goin bowlin. but its not supposed to thunder and lightning just rain but the pool is inside so that shouold be good. we have a DJ to so we can dance and shit. well i g2g peace!!
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Who said that they were going anorexic?

she may wanna go annorexic...but maybe YOU should gain a few pounds...