
Its the day b4 fathers day and i was tryin to make sumthin for my dad and my uncle and granpa.. me and my sis kept fightin and then my nana yelled at us and said that we should just get along!!!! then she said we should b put in seperate rooms and just shut up!!! it made me so mad!!! OMFG!!! i was talkin to my frend jake last nite and he was askin me if i wanted to hang out. i said mayb but i neva did.. any way i was at my frend moe's houze last nite and this kid tyler came ova afta the carnival(witch was really fun)then he was givin moe a back rub and shit and he uzed so much cream...OMG her back was so greezy!!! any who then he was sayin how he w2as horny and shit and it was really freakin us out then he tried 2 get her 2 take her bathin suit off so he could feel her boobs and shit...she said no!!! shes said she didnt like him that way and he goes well i like u that way and ur gunna learn to like me!! then he said i give u a back rub and dont get anything out of it? shes like i dont roll that way....he said well ur gunna learn 2 roll that way!!! i told him he was gunna b a wife beater wen he gets olda...he said no just a (my name) beater. then i was jokin around cuz she wouldnt let him put his arm around her or on her ass. so i was like i can put my arm around her and on her ass(just kiddin around im straight)and he took a lighter to my head and almost burned me it was so close that i could stick my tonge out and touch the flame!!! it was really weird and i wont eva hang out wit that kid again enless its wit a big group of ma soooo scared of him!!! i mite dump ma boyfrend i just started goin out wit him but i neva see him and i like some1 in my school thatb i could see like evryday!!! well i g2g.... pce out!!!
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That is Mike Jones.

And is this Tyler Larcom??? That is just freaky...

Hey whats up? do you like hate me now seriously..... If u do i really don't understand why...plz tell me if you do or not
sorry, just wanted 2 know who u r.
why would any guy wanna touch u?
Call me i really need to talk to u right away