my frends dad just passed away a couple days ago..i feel so0o0o0 bad..i went to the wake nd i just got home from the party she was havin today!! ya this girl is sayin how i pretended to b her frend nd shit like that nd its really startin to piss me off!! im not pretendin i juts wish that she wouldnt lie so0o0o0o much!!! if u read this(u kno who u r)i dont care go back out wit matty....u dont want me to care anymore then i wont!! dont come cryin to me anymore... o ya nd i neva said that shit that u wrote. im not like that... nd im not pretendin to b ur frend ur just pushin me away thats wut it seems like!! u dont want anyone to care bout u anymore nd no one is ur true frend..thats a bunch of BULL SHIT!!!! cuz ur juts tryin to make evryone feel bad for u im not tryin to b mean or anything but now ur pissin me off!! ok!?!?!?! u dont need to say all this shit!! none of it is true....well go ahead nd think wut u wanna!! im not gunnna care!! cuz memba im not a real frend!! well i gg pCe
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