
Feeling: confuzzled
ok im really friend told me that she kind of likes the kid that i like...but she doesnt kno........i dunno its confusing the fuck out of me!!!! ya i like my ex-boyfriend again....nd he likes me....i hav to find a way to brake up wit miles!!! im scared to tho...i dunno wut will happen if i do!!! well i kinda like miles but then i like my ex a lot so confused....i think im gunna dump miles nd go bak wit zach!!! ya tiffany let ur sista call the cops on me i dont give a shit!!!! nd u betta stop rite wer u r!!!! nd how do u kno cierra didnt rite those things to me??? it says that shes wit u everyday nd cierra is wit u everyday!!! so bullshit she didnt rite that!!! nd if i hav sumthin comin to me then u betta watch ur back u got sumthin comin rite bak atchya bitch!!!! im sick of ur shit!!! soo0o0o0o0o0o y dont u stop bein immature!!! go ahead kick my ass!!! i dont care anymore!!!! but if u wanna start sumthin come down here cuz im not afraid of u!!! so0o0o0o0o pCe out
Read 13 comments
why r u havin otha pple defend for u. i'm not havin my pple say there gonna kick ur ass. your the one whos being very immature about all this. so who the fuck r the pple writting me those comments cuz apparently they are to pussy to write their names. and they have to write anonymous. so really u should go fuck ur self. and whats coming to me. ur the one who says i have to stop all this but neithor do you you stupied bitch.
cierra didn't write those, ya it says there with me everyday but its not her, do u realize how many pple come ova my house everyday. so its not her and don't even say kevin eithor b-cuz its not them. whats ur prob. with her anyways. ur the one with problems. and not everyone hates me, i don't smell i'm not a cunt or a bitch or a whore or a slut, truth is ur all this. i do have friends and i wouldn't actually need pple 2 back me up unlke u bitch
first my b.f is not a pussy. cuz i'm not like u i actually like pple for who they are. hey atleast i have one other then u just liking girls. i'm not a slut. or any of that shit u stupid bitch, atleast i have a guy i love that i could do stuff with if i wanted to, atleast i have a guy that loves me for me so he must not think any of that shit u said.
u really need to shut the fuck up, oh and apparently i can't be that bad if kevin cheated on u with me while u 2 were going out. (beacause he still loved me when he was going out with u)
ya leah i didn't write those things so w/e think what u want but everything tiffany or anyone else says is true so get over it...
ok fuck u u FLAT WHORE i am not a fuckin skank i am a bitch so u might not wanna fuck with me ...anyways i don't see why u are saying all that shit about tiffany cuz she is none of that and have known her alot longer than u and apparently u are scared b-cuz u read ur comments and only wrote back to me and not tiffany what are u scared she is gonna kick ur ass cuz u know she could so fuck u...ur the cunt
ya well sry but ya kinda do need to stuff o wait i'm not sry for speaking the truth. and i doubt like u cheated on him bcuz who would touch you thats disgusting.
o ya and leah i don't see how u can sit there and supposedly make fun of me for being a fat bitch when everybody says ur best friend is a fat bitch so ya...
ahh im short and peachy too B]
ur bestfriend amanda...
y there??? and what day and what time
Leah all im sayin is that u dont need to say shit ot tiffany and cierra. Im not gonna call the cops on u but u and them need to stop..
Leah all im sayin is that u dont need to say shit ot tiffany and cierra. Im not gonna call the cops on u but u and them need to stop..