weird day!!!

ok today was weird cuz i was online and this person imed me on someone elses i was like ok w/e and they asked me y i was goin out wit miles...i said cuz he asked me!!! nd i said who wants to kno...he said my friend sooo it was least i thought sooo...o ya nd babyq i dont even wanna botha wit u no more so u can stop talkin to me nd just leave me alone!!! i dont need u shitty ass to b ma frend!! gg pCe
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i don't need u as my friend anyways. so just go screw yourself . i hate you. i use to want to be your friend but who wants to be friends with a double standard bitch, and oh ya your cool you smoked cuz otha pple did. and your life was so bad you tried cutting your self. peace out... leave me alone....
you and you know who should sOoOoOo hock back up! I kno who wants to come with us next week end so call me! and i also found something else out that someone lied to us about about! talk to you later!
luv yaz
Y do u care so0o0o much? i dont get y u care so0o0 much about me!! i am so0o0o sick of ppl pretending to like me nd pretending to care!! i am so0o0o sick of this shyte!! i am going anireica nd i am going baq out wiff matty!!so0o u guyzz shouldn't care its muh life so0o0o stay out of it i dont need u or danny or kay or any of muh family!! i Hate my life no one cares nd i dont want neyone to!!so0o ya i gg but write bak if u wanna talk
PeCe Amanda