This diary is now an example of make over gone bad. And I really dont feel like fixing it. You'll all deal.. plus eventually, I'll be bored enough to make it sexified again..
Report Card
We got our report cards today.. Yepp Yepp, mine is a lot better than I expected.. I thought I was gonna have a 68 in Alg 2!
Here Goes
Computer Tech: 98 (A)
English 11: 94 (A)
Economics: 98 (A)
Chemistry: 98 (A)
Honors Algebra 2: 79 (C)
Phys. Ed: 95 (A)
Health: 96 (A)
Class Rank: 17/168
GPA: 93.233
Yep, there you have it..
Until next time Folks...
.x. Tricia