the worst is over. you can have the best of me

today was weird. but everyday for the past month has been weird. a good weird though. :) i love my boyfriend. he thinks im emo. im a GIRLLL. theres a difference. laura comes saturday and im soo excited. i hope she likes it here. i miss my friends. do this itll be fun i promise. :) one: what is your first memory of me: two: how long have we been friends: three: describe me in four adjectives: four: name one thing you really DONT like about me: five: name one thing you really DO like about me: six: if you could give me something what would it be: seven: have you ever seen me cry: eight: have i ever offened you: nine: do you think we will be friends in 5 years: ten: has there been anything you wanted to tell me, but didn't: eleven: a song that reminds you of me: peace, stephanie marie
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ha ha yeah, we're not emo we're women.
but its not because youre a bad friend? life just got busy, for the both of us. and it definitly takes 2 people to make something work/not work. so it obviously cant always be you. i still dont think youre a bad friend. i dunno