
school is okay. i feel so bored. like im there for nothing. only to see the people i call my friends. grrreeeaaaattt. i've decided i hate my house. and i love my family but i dislike them a lot right now. i wish i had enough money to move out already! im going to start saving. get another job. just to leave. haha. i like our sadies pictures. my grandparents come tomorrow. i got the new bright eyes cd. its very very good. anyways. someone call me. anyone. please. im going out of my mind. yesterday i got so many things done. cleaned the pantry and litter boxes, painted my toenails, made pazookies for my family, went to chipolte and the beauty supply store, did homework, read, took a nap, talked on the phone, watched tv, cleaned my makeup brushes. and i was going to wash my car today, but we dont have a hose. so that didnt do me any good. eric drank at school today. who does that? haha. alchoholic. umm okay bye!! :)
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steph im sad we didnt hang out at all but glad that your spring break ended better than you thougth it would : )
schools better without me i know it!
well ill call you soon because i want to muhummmm
chipotle!?!!! without me!?
i haven't had it in like a week.
a week exactly actually.
i'm cutting back :)