there's no more trying tonight

Feeling: confused
but now i'm confused. he confused me on wednesday. i dont get it. mixed signals...annoying. sarah! what do u think is going through that little head of his? does anyone have any ways for me to get to sleep earlier. i go to bed at 10 30 but usually dont get to sleep til 11 30 or 12. anything but warm milk cuz that's nasty tasting. wooo i'm gonna go watch a good black and white movie w/my mom! (about some lady that kills people so she can have her husband all to herself XD) black and white movie r waaaaaay better than movies now cuz they actually have a good plot. especially the scary one's! psyco!!!! i love that movie!! see...that's proof right in that movie! and the haunting! the remake probably isn't half as good as the original. same goes for psyco. pretty much all the alfred hitchcock movies r great! black and white or not. THE BIRDS!! woot woot! and...north by northwest and rear window and...well u get the picture XD
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I think you should just ignore his stupid mixed signals. You found out that he never liked you... and I think you shouldn't get lead on... you know? Just ignore it, and soon it'll all make sense... hopefully...