take this broken heart and make it right

Feeling: crafty
i'm just looking at random people's sites which is really fun. so far i've found 2 canadians!!! yeeeah!! wooOO! and i left a witty comment on some girl's site, it was funny. anyway! um well. i bought a zipper today so now i can finish my skirt. and tomorrow's my last free day. school starts again on tuesday. booo. and i got a thursday shirt so hopefully that'll come sometime this week. canadian seach RRRRAMPAGE!! XD XD XD just kidding. of course i'm not crazy! HA! that's silly. i need to buy a new dashboard cd cuz mine is scratched up and skips too much. it doesn't play past song #6, and my favorite songs start at 8...so..yeah that sucks. i think i'll go off now to go finish my skirt and watch another black and white movie with my mummy. ps: tim burton's not all that original. i think he saw the movie "the cabinet of dr. caligari." if you like tim burton, go watch that movie right away. i'm pretty sure that's where he got all his ideas from. hhahahahah btw i got my hair to look like girl emo hair. *high five to self*
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lemmie guess? short and black? :P oh man soo many kids going emo nowadays.. yeah simple plan!! --> not. lol sry im not much of an emo kinda guy. i like my nirvana and chili peppers tho :P anywho yeah us canadians rock ur sox and dont u forget it.
Yeah, :) I really like Brand New.

Matchbook Romance too. The whole album is excellent.

I think we have some things in common.

Hah hah. Yeah. I don't know if there is such thing as having a Canadian accent expect for saying "eh."

I don't know many people that actually do say it. Well. Meh.

x3 Alanna
thanks :)

Thats a nice way of putting things. I'll remember about the kitty.
congrats on the hair