all we hear is la la la la la la

Feeling: awake
this band's great. i had WAY too much fun playing 007 goldeneye on nintendo 64. my goodness. first i played multiplayer with my brother. and i was xenia cuz she's the coolest character!! and i seemed to let the character get to me...i was going crazy! it was pretty funny. and then i played one player. i had two automatic guns at the same time. so. much. fun. and i FINALLY heard fall out boy's song "sugar we're goin' down." so so good. i'm gonna marry that song. seriously.
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heyy. yeah the double "i`s" are a little muchh. but i was justt soo boreddd..
eew that's gross man!!

that song is tight. except the lead singer sounds like he is drunk when he slurs and stuff
im at tennis camp with a bunch of your team members.
its fun stuff.