
Feeling: annoyed
I'm fucking feed up to the bad teeth of life at the moment. Maybe I'll leave this place in Search of adventure, or shopping. Is it me or do you ever get tired of people’s problem being oh so much bigger and serious than yours? Because it’s pissing me off to no end. It doesn’t matter what your problems are, it’s them you should feel sorry for. In the end we all know that our problems are our own and we don’t have much right to bitch about them to people, who really all they want to do is go home, watch the tele and have a cup of coffee. But no they are not allowed to, why? Because your friend has to bitch for three or four hours about something that you really couldn’t care less about. You wanna know what my problems are? I am heartbroken and failing to do my coursework. Both are my problems, both are my own fault, both I will have to deal with and I shouldn’t bitch about them. They are my own fault for because I wouldn’t be heartbroken if I hadn’t left my boyfriend in the first place and failing to do my coursework is down to pure, ignorant laziness. Plus I’m not bitching about them I am writing them in a public diary, it’s not like I’m going up to my friends and having a go at them that doesn’t concern them. If they wanna know then they will read this, if not they don’t have to. The only person I bitching at is my ex, because it concerns him. No one else. Plus I hate when someone is sitting there looking like death and you ask them, “What’s the matter?” and all they say is, “Nothing,” its not helpful. I also hate it when people say, “Are you okay?” when they know damn well that you are not ofuckingkay. I think people should be more honest. In closing be honest to people that ask you question and don’t bitch about things at they couldn’t give two shits about.
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yeh i agree iti s annoying when someone rambles on for a gd while about their problems n try to say how much worse thir 1 is then urs...
ur a fuking psychopath. no1 cares about u. you drove em all away. do the world a favour... slash your throat on the nearest razor. but hu wud notice?