Evil Eyes

Feeling: orgasmic
Miranda: Date to remember: 12th April, shall I tell you why? This is the day I met my sexy new boyfriend, Henry. Yup. Input From Henry; Miranda is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Shes so loving, caring, funny, fun to be with and very very schmexi! Shes an amazing gf even if she does persuade me to get into the freezing cold pool! Her hugs and kisses are AWESOME!! =D I love her so so much and we are going to get married tomorrow =] <333 Miranda: Indeed. The pool wasn't that cold, and anyway you had fun didn't you? It wasw funny when that fat guy dunked you, as soon as you got in "I sorry but this has to happen" *dunk* *splutter, splutter* >.< Input From Henry; Yes i had fun in the end! Got a good night of rough sex after xD Miranda: Yeah you wish... hang on one second who did you have rough sex with because it wasn't with me. Input From Henry; Ok i thought you were awake xD You must have been asleep =P OOPS! I did it again! Miranda: Damn you. Input From Henry; I luffs you <33333333333333333333333333333333 x 10 million million million million million!
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thanks for the birthday message! you seem happy! i'm happy for you!
: P