Come back to me, back to me, to me.

Every now and then the fan turns to face me blowing away the heat that is boiling me. Music is making up with the background noise, I can hear it, but not understand the words. I am gulping down hot chicken soup in a Homer Simpson mug, perhaps a bit ironic drinking something hot when I am already boiling out my skin. I like the taste though, the heat doesn't really bother me as long as the fan continues to blow in my direction. Cooling me down. I noticed that it's been ages since I last wrote in here, so seeing as i'm not doing anything remotly interesting at the present moment I thought I would take the time to write in an update on my life... if anyone's interested. If not then it's for myself to look over, as the months drift on... as they do. Recently I've got back in touch with Christopher Bloomfeild, in matter of fact he's here now. Not in the same room, he's upstairs doing whatever he needs to do. As for where is here, here is at my Dad's in Poole, for the ignorant, Poole is near bournemouth. It's his first vist here apparently, I think he's enjoying himself, I hope so anyway. Yeserday we went to the beach, I found, or me a my dad, this swarm of crabs in the sea, there were literaly thousands of them all clumped together in one big mass. At first I thought they were just a rock... would have been quite painful if we stepped on them me thinks. I managed to catch in total nine big crabs. The biggest one was mind-blowingly huge. It's main shell could barely fit in my hand, not to mention all the legs that stuch out in different directions theatingly. Each legs must have been about ten inches long, although, as big as this creature was it's claws were patheticly small and wouldn't really hurt if you got your finger trapped in one. We've come in contact with quite a few different animals down here. Appart from the crabs, there's been foxes, frogs, cats and hedgehogs. Oh I have to tell you about the hegdehogs. Chris spotted one sniffing about in the back garden. It diappeared behind the shead for a moment then reappeared again. I had the idea of catching it in a bucket, which I did by sort of shoving it in the right direction with a bit of wood. so now we have a hedgehog in a bucket. When we put our hands near it to feel it's brislles or spikes, it half coiled up, unsure if we were a danger to it or not. After a while it decided we weren't a threat and put all it's energy into trying to get out the bucket. When I picked it up with a tea towel it coiled completely up like a spike brown football. I also had a go at holding it without a tea towel, I could feel all the brislles pokeing down on my skin, but it didn't really hurt at all. We decided to let it run around the kitchin, the doors to the living room and garden were closed to keep it in the kitchin, then it wedged itself between two units... shit. Me and Chris spent a good half an hour trying to get it it out again. We could reach it but couldn't get it out, it was firmly wedged. It did come out again on it's own accord, after we left it alone for a while. We released it back in the woods soon afterwards. The second thing that happened with a hedgehog is where all the traffic up the road had stopped because this one little hedgehog was crossing the road. The traffic only started up again after the little hedgehog was safely in the hedge on the oppsite side of the road. It's very sweet.
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hahaha! Yeah, good times. -chris