My home is calling.

Feeling: abandoned
My Mum has left us again, gone on her two week hoilday. She's never here... I evny people who have real parents. Not one that runs off to magical pixie land all the time and the other who plays with computers on the seaside. About 90% of the time we're on our own. I HATE IT. I want my Mummy back... although, when she is here, I wish she would leave again... I can't stand the noise. The sadness of a breaking heart when her boyfriend hurts her. I heard him shouting at her once... me and tk were afraid, he sounded so angry and full of hate. She was crying. I was trying to dare myself to go downstairs and tell him to fuck off, but I was too scared... God, why am I such a coward? My Mum needed my support and I let her down... I am used to being alone, it's normal to me... and this house is no home... just a barn to keep my mother's offspring in, me, my brothers and sister. It's just a house. I haven't yet found my home, it's still out there. Waiting for me to return.
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If you had confronted him, she would have resented you, i promise you. You did the right thing. Ask me to explain why if you need to know. -c x