Snake bite

Listening to: Slayer - Consfearacy
Feeling: wonderful
My sleep pattern is totally screwed up the ass... jesus. I'm going to bed at 4 to 5 in the morning and waking up 3 to 4 in the afternoon. It also takes me an hour to get to sleep every night. The reason for this is because I have too many things spinning around my head, also the dreams I am having of late are just well... werid, also I have 3 to 4 different dreams each night. The latest dream I can remenber is being stuck in a jam jar upside down also the fact that I was not me, but a black & white dog with a snake for a tail. The snake kept biting me (doggy me) in the face, I remember asking it, "Why do you keep biting me? If I die from your poison you will also die with me." The snake replied, "Seeing as we are one, you are biting yourself, you are your own woste enemy." I woke up after that, I still thought I was in the jam jar and I started shaking my head to get the snake off, although I quickly realised it was a dream. I remember this because I had woken suddenly and though about it for te next half an hour before going back to sleep to print it onto my memory... I guess it worked.
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Whoah, scary dream. I'm more than flattered that you read me. There're a lot of things i wrote that i would never have been able to say to you. And it's not all bad with me, i'm alright, it just gets a bit much at times. You've comforted me by saying "i still want you, i'm here for you". That's really all i need. Thank you.
Hey, check out talkingcock for a pleasant suprise. -c x