
Two choices. But I procrastinate, I cannot make them yet. One I never see, but will soon. The other I dont understand. Yet odly, I am happy right now. I have my choices but I do not have to make these choices in secret or darkness, they know everything. So there is nothing to fear. But it is frustrating none the less. I should not be questioning I should know. I should be able to choose without question without hesitation. Perhaps this means there is a third choice that is more right then all the others. But I dont want to admit it. I want to live with one of the two others. Well anywho, now that that encripted nonsense is on there. I got a new camera, its a nice one, an expensive one. all that saveing finally paid off. I am excited, I have used it a lot and plan on using it much more. I am going to efy, a relgious event during th summer, I had a choice. I go, or I pay for it. Its expensive. I dont know how comftorble I am going to feel there. I am graduating this weekend, I hope to have a burn my robe party afterwords. that whould be fun. The forum is great. check it out. Its good stuff. After the summer ends I will have made my decision. And then as she leaves, I will be gone as well, to the land of Arizona I go. I will be living with my sister in Pheonox and away from Utah. It will be a nice change, a nice escape, a nice begining. I hope its all I hope it to be, cause here. I am in Hell. when words end as will I.
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[Anonymous (]
Two choices. But I procrastinate, I cannot make them yet. One I never see, but will soon. The other I dont understand. Yet odly, I am happy right now. I have my choices but I do not have to make these choices in secret or darkness, they know everything. So there is nothing to fear. But it is frustrating none the less. I should not be questioning I should know. I should be able to choose without question without hesitation. Perhaps this means there is a third choice that is more right then all the others.[url=]250W Mono Crystalline Silicon PV Solar Panel[/url]

[url=]240W Mono Crystalline Silicon PV Solar Panel[/url]

[url=]230W Mono Crystalline Silicon PV Solar Panel[/url]

[url=]220W Mono Crystalline Silicon PV Solar Panel[/url]

[url=]210W Mono Crystalline Silicon PV Solar Panel[/url]

[url=]200W Mono Crystalline Silicon PV Solar Panel[/url]

[url=]190W Mono Crystalline Silicon PV Solar Panel[/url]

[Anonymous (]
Hollie isn't good for you man. Go with Barbara. That is love. She is love. Hollie will just drain you.
choose me.
serious. why do you need them? just choose me...everything will be happier. promise.
PS- i still think you should change your background to macaroni and cheese!