
Listening to: none
Feeling: excited
thank god!!!!!!!!!!!! it is friday i can finally get away from my mom and go to my dads for the weekend and my mom said this morning that i better get home early enough so me and her can make cookies!!!!!! i was like why would u want to make cookies with me if u get mad at like almost everything!!!!! i just wanted to fuckin scream into her fuckin ugly ass face and say fuck u!!!!!!!!!! and that girl that is commenting me about "stuff" just tell me ur diary name and i will delete it right away and anyways he never comes on anymore so please tell me ur diary name
Read 62 comments
sorry gtg
When we were talking before there was like three of my other friends on so it was pretty hectic
so did I!!! lol
Time line web???
ooohh, now I understand. so, how are you??
lol, well, thats nice, thanks for sharing. I'm in art right now, I'm done with my Ceramics project so I just get to hang out.
Oh, I'm also an Alchemist (its like Chemistry).
I have Blonde Hair and Blue/Green/Silver eyes. My Birthday is June 06. I'm kinda tall, No glasses but braces which are coming off soon, got to go, sorry. BYE!!!!
Oh golly. I guess the easiest way to sum me up is a perverted dirty old chivalristic grease monkey. I just hang out, read lots, make fun of stupid people and fix cars. I think there's more, but that would take too much space. :P
Thanks for your comment(s) :P
Sorry I didnt reply sooner, I haven't been all here lately.
I like your background :)
Hehe, I am some kind of superman. :P
you can read my user info. bio. if you'd like. that says some stuff about me
The background scares me.

And parents are cool. Be a little thankful, if it wasn't for you mom, you wouldn't be here.
hi!!! I missed you this morning.
why won't you talk to me???
oh, sorry. how are you???
I don't smoke, I hang out when my friends smoke weed, and I do drink but only rarely and only hard liquor. I'm pretty much a goodie good which makes me a loser. :P
Yar, I'm here. Why? What's up?
I don't smoke or drink. I think its kinda disgusting and it kills your body.
I'm sorry but I don't know if I can talk to you anymore...I might just make you mad at me and then we'll have a big fight and never talk again...
we can still talk if you'd like, but I'm just warning you... I'll probably ruin our Friendship...
Getting ready for the day. Gotta go get some car parts and maybe work on them for a while. Then when I'm completely ineffectual with the cars, I'm gonna go sit in a dark room and cry until I head to a coffeeshop tonight. :P Good times.
I don't know...It could be 10 seconds, 10 days or even 10 years from now but I'm destined to live alone...
lol...Thanks, I needed that, but I don't know if I'm strong enough to change my Destiny... you cannot fight the Powers That Be, or they shall deny your right in the world...Wiccan rule #1
I'm getting from the facts that are all around me, in the air I breathe and the things I see.
same here...
sorry, gtg
Cause I'm pretending to be emo. But it's ok, I don't cry, I was just playing around. It's just frustrating sometimes when I, a mechanic, can't fix my own cars as easily as I fix everybody elses. That makes me sad, but I know I'll fix it eventually. It'll all be good. :D Have a super day.
Word. I hear ya. :P
ur not on latly. waaa...

Meh, I've had more comments. (Like this one: =P)

And my picture is ugly and poor quality. =P

But thanks. =)
If you don't want the cookies you make with your mom, can you send them to me? =)
The usual. I"m in art right now. I lime your background. Thats how I am Sometimes.
I know, My Empathy tells me that.
I know, but I don't think we live near eachother. I live in Wisconsin.
Near Minnesota?? I live in Luck.
where is watertown located in Wisconsin??
That sounds Familiar. I live in Polk County. I think Thats near here. I'll find it on a map.
You know what?? I did a Tarot Reading and it said I would meet a new friend.
lol, you're so peppy and kinda hyper, but that's what I like about you.
I'm sorry, I've got to go. Talk to you later.
Hey chickee.
The usual stuff. Fixing the cars, trying to find a job I like, trying to find a girl who I can play with that I like, and trying to not kill all the stupid people in the world. :P I'm sure there's more, but there ain't enough room for details. Life is just going so damn slowly.
uuuh no i cant do that... because mike is a spaztic asshole
umm I went to a diary that gave me the comment pop up thing it takes like to seconds but I am shutting down my diary
Ah school, good times indeed. Have a splendid day then chickee.
umm.. no sorry.
but hope you find whoever it is. byee =)
Couldn't miss me that much, it's only me. :P I have to go fix my car and tool around with my friends in a sec. Leave me many random comments and such if you'd like and I'll write you good stuff later if you want chickee. Have a groovy afternoon. :D
Hi, how are you??
um... jittery, I can't really sit still today. I feel like bouncing off the walls.
i have long entries cause I usually save up a whole bunch of stuff I want to say then say it in one shot XP
hey, do you know Astarael415??? oh and dodge county is in the southern part of the state, I'm near the middle, so we're kinda close.
you kinda remind me of this girl at my school, her name is Kristine.
Just wondering, hes my best friend at school.
he hasn't been on in forever, I wish he would though.
Just wait, I'll check
4th hour goes from 10:30 to 11:15, and It depends if the art teacher has the school's laptops that hour.
Ok, talk to you then, bu-bye!!
oh yeah, well ur neva on when i am, so that means ur neva on. so there.

