cheers to the futures of the uncapable.

Don’t you understand young one? I’m trying to save you. I’m trying to save your face for at least thirteen more years. I’m trying to eliminate half the mistakes. I’m taking the guesswork out of life, so things are easier for you. Because god forbid, if an obstacle presents itself in front of you, it’ll wish it was never born. I’m trying to be the good citizen and help out someone who’s less fortunate. And when I say less fortunate, I mean young. So when I say I’m trying to give you a hand up, not a hand out, I’m really trying to tell you that you can’t make it on your own because youth still shines through in your smile. I’ve been hired to smack you across the face and make you pay attention. Because no one trusts you with the decisions that have suddenly become too important to leave to someone who was born in the late eighties. So I was sent here to be your leader. To guide you into life because you’re too blind to see the gaping hole ahead of you. “She’ll fall right in,” they say. “Go hold her hand,” they’ll tell me. And I’ll do it, because no one let me make decisions either. And we’re hand in hand, playing a tricky game of ‘follow-the-leader’, even though we’re in the exact same situation. I’m trying to show you what to avoid…avoid people like me. Because I’m the enemy. I’m the one I’m trying to protect you from. But it’s a whole conference room of leaders that never once made a decision. Except the vital ones we’re supposed to make for you. The truth is that we’re not equipped for the position of God. But neither is God, and someone has to do his dirty work. So we were signed up for it like it was the spring play back in high school. No pre-requisites required. Just show up on time and you should be good to go. After all, decision making only takes enough brain cells that you could be inhaling nail polish remover while deciding the future of a very unsuspecting adolescent. So the pressing question is whether or not you’ll make it. Someone flips a coin and decides that you will. You’ll be just as successful as the woman on T.V. You gain the life and everything you’ve ever wished for will come true. And I’ll retire your case because you don’t need me anymore. You can take it from here. And when you’ll need me the most, I’ll be working with another file because we’re raising a generation of incapability’s. And it’s such a shame, but no one can seem to find the source. No one wants to take the blame for raising these children. But I can’t complain for this is what keeps me in business. And that’s really what it’s all about, staying in business so I have an excuse to put pants on in the morning. No, an excuse to boss people around. Because there’s nothing like seeing the look on people’s faces when you tell them they can’t run their own lives. Shock doesn’t quite describe it. Someone told them at a very young age, that you’ll make mistakes but everything will work out in the end. What they really mean is, “Here child, make all the mistakes in the world, and we’ll send along a supervisor with wings to run your life for you, because judging by your mishaps, you can’t get a hold on doing things the right way. And when I say the right way, I mean my way.” Compare to last generation when they tell their young, “You can do anything you set your mind to.” It never was, “You can do anything you set your mind to, and when I say your mind, I mean mine.” So maybe we’ve grown up with a bunch of selfish adults who don’t believe in their children. Because their own parents didn’t believe in them. And so it goes back and back further and further until it can’t be traced. We’ll find someone to shoulder all the blame and we’ll leave it at that. Because that’s the best we can do. Out of sight, out of mind. And now that it’s somebody else’s problem, we are no longer responsible. So we’ll send out a monthly newsletter letting everyone know that the blame has been placed a hundred years earlier, and there’s no sense in worrying about it now. So just hand over your children and we’ll take care of the rest. Plenty of unqualified people to choose the future that’s all wrong for you son or daughter, but the blame was placed on his or her ancestors, so nod your head and everything will all work out for itself.
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i love it. its beautiful ♥