the night the lights went out.

we were driving down the highway at probably dangerous speeds. we had the radio turned up because neither one of us wanted to talk. which was fine, because neither one of us needed to say a word. the music blared out of my speakers and you were screaming along at the top of your lungs. i put both hands on the wheel and pretended to be thinking about much more important things. i was focusing on your voice and the way it bounced around in my car, even though the window was open. we turned the dial and switched from station to station trying to find a better song to sing along to. when we found one we liked, we'd hit the volume button and shout the words like we'd been dying to say them for years. you knew all the words to all the songs and i only knew the choruses, but i didn't really feel like singing along anyway. so i sat in the drivers seat and pushed harder on the accelerator as i listened to your voice. your voice seemed to crack at all my favorite lines and i tried not to take it personally. you were a little intoxicated so i wouldn't allow you to take all the blame. i sat back in my seat and watched you from the corner of my eye and thought that this moment needed to be recorded. we should hire a photographer or have our own t.v. show, because we both knew that this is what america really wanted to see. we were on our way home from a party with far too much booze for the amount of people attending. but we seemed to be throwing out more empty bottles as every hour passed. with the mixture of alcohol and hormones racing around the apartment, drama was in the air. and this time it didn't involve you or i, so we left. we had a craving for taco's rather than another shot of jack daniels so we got into my car and hoped i had counted my drinks correctly. we both made it home safely and we said goodbye with our traditional hug and i finally gave you the kiss you had been asking for all night. you seemed glad to have it. you gathered your things, left the bottles in my trunk, and slammed the door. i kept my lights off and watched you walk away. suddenly you turned around and came back to the passenger side door. i unlocked it and you leaned in and i thought it was because you wanted another kiss. you know, one for the road. so i was a little more than devastated when you asked if i had your shirt. i pulled it out of my back seat and handed it to you reluctantly. you said thank you and then paused, looking at me. you leaned in for another kiss and said to me lightly, "i left it on purpose so i could come back for another kiss." funny thing is - its three days later and i haven't spoken to you since.
Read 4 comments
mines an MGB 1977, and it's red. we just had it painted the original stock color red, cause when we first got it, it had been painted over.
This comment's gonna be lame 'cause I have a bunch of unreleated things to say.
-I like the way your diary looks now, the picture is adorable, yet genius in it's own sense.
-Like the new update, 'tis lovely.
-THE CAR. HOLY CRAP. First of all, three wipers? I'd get the car for that alone! But it's just so little, and awww. So nice. [Plus, woah, you're tall.]
Oo loving the car, doll :]
And loving this entry. Quite remarkable
Im stirring up trouble :] like always
Geez, the internet is silly. As soon as I go to comment here, all my windows close.
Anyway, no way! Not THAT tall. A nice, pleasant, sexy tall. : D

& I know. :( But even the days I don't update I usually stop by to make sure I'm not missing any good Ivee updates. ♥