the letter

write a little note on a yellow square of paper. write a message to your mom and dad. write something so she knows you don't hate her. write him a note so he knows he didn't do half bad. take up all the space and explain what was the problem for you. and pin it to your shirt so everyone knows the truth. explain to your parents that you're where you want to be. that now you're in heaven with the angels and they shouldn't be angry. for you this was a dream come true. you couldn't find enough wrist to slice through. but for them, thier darling little angel was gone. so explain to them why all these years you were so withdrawn. don't you think you owe them an explanation? say something to ease their frustration. your poor poor mother has no one that can relate. so appologize to her. appologize for being such a lightweight. it didn't take long for the pills to take effect. you proved your mother wrong, you never were going to be picture perfect. and now here you lay with your mother thrown over her dying daughter. "im not going to let her go, come hell or high water." the paramedic stands over her and says with a heavy heart, "i guess this was her last battle cry." your mom sobbed hysterically as the man kindly told your dad to please remove his wife. "i'm sorry miss, but there's nothing i can do. so if you'll excuse me, i bid you adieu." so off you go on your stretcher full of dreams. a tear falls from your dad's aching eye as he tries to muffle your mother's screams. your loaded into the back of the ambulance with the sirens ready to take you away. and this day goes down in history as the day thier angel, his soul and her heart, was taken away. your dad walks your mother back into the house, trying to ease her hurt. and as he wraps his arms around her, he sees the yellow square of paper attatched to his shirt.
Read 7 comments
Wow, that's good.
Did you write it?
lol, yeah, I guess long drawn out entries are better than short meaningless ones.

However mine are long drawn out meaningless entries. XD
I love it when someone tells me I made them smile/laugh XD
aw im sorry i havent been on. our internet has been down -shakes fist- it sucks. i was going through internet withdrawals. haha. im at my dads work right now. dunno when we'll get it back. its supposed to be tomorrow. who knows

i really like that. its well written (even though i dont think i owe an explanation to anyone lol jk)

aw -climbs into your arms and cuddles up- lol im such a loser ^_^

yay! chelsea has internet ^_^ woo hoo
haha, i do the same thing! go us!
-dances around like a looooser- cha :)

=/ is that good or bad? -odd face-

eep, i have to take a pic of what i look like for everyone to see and make fun of. im all black and blue and purple and pink and gross looking :(