my eyes are wet with clarity

so tonight was kinda weird but fun. i went to sams house with jackie and ashley. sam had to babysit her sisters for awhile..jackie had a little rum and coke, more like rum and alittle coke actually, while her sisters were in the other room and she didnt ake her pill this morning.not a good combination then we played hide and seek w/sams sisters and jumped on her trampoline in the rain..jackie kept saying things like "im a little bunny" or "im an angel fallen from heaven and im horny" while we jumped. i fell down quite a bit on the wet trampoline. i got very lost on my way home. i ended up at mcdondalds in was bad..i kept driving over the center line too, either that or i was almost hitting the curve. everytime im behind the wheel i marvel at the fact that someone actually gave me a drivers liscence.its a scary thought. i think im seeing mean girls tomorrow. i hope it doesnt would be good if it were like heathers. im working sunday and thursday. idont have to miss the season finale of the oc or the strike anywhere concert for marsh training!!!
Read 15 comments
wow dont i feel special
please...i wasnt even close to being drunk. thats how i normally act,especially when i havent taken my special blue pills
change what?
no its cool, i liked the first one better lol
well i liked the drunk one bc it was funnier, & i would do something like that anyways
cami, were you drinking tonight. can't keep your car in the lane. shame shame. ha..
hahah jackie and alcohol is funny - jena
hey how do u put a picture on the left side??? right about ur name and age and stuff
nvm about the picture.. i figured it out.. wow im so obsessed with this diary.. maybe its bc i have no life. lol owell cya
hey cami its sam and my new diary! ttyl
maybe its not normal, but i poop twice a day anyways! sometiems more, but 5 is a lot. i cant help it!
jian jian that could.
yeah i was like 'what the fuck?" but then i was oh well its bright eyes!!
Well, i said that i had never been in that situation, so i dunno what i'd actually do, but i guess abortion just goes against my morals. Maybe i would, maybe i wouldnt. Hopefully i dont get pregnant anytime soon :o) nice diary.
hehe yes they were....i was jumping up and down when i heard that they were