forever is a lie

"i still love you Colby, i want you to know I never stopped caring; and I will always love you." he said that a while ago. like 6 months ago I guess. right after he broke up with me. and, I can't stop this. I can't stop wanting this to just be a dream and I can't stop wondering if anything will happen again' and I can't stop thinking about him or how there used to be an us and how he said he would always love me, but now he's so close to almost hating me and all I ever wanted, was to be loved. that's all. I'll give you all the love I have, if you just love me again. Dying slowly, Colby
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heylo darling, love your diary^_^

awww, hun things will get better i promise...i dont know what else to say...much love, l8r.
aw, relationships can be so complicated
dont we all just hate them
they are so complicated
i hope everthing gets better with you

and thank you, i hope it does too.
sure thing. so what ya up to?

screw all relationships
eek, sorry about this, start i guess, this was xmurderxscenex to let you know

hah im stupid.

thought you should now


of course of course
thats why i told you
since you help me out alot

and your a pretty sweet person

yeah, n/p

hmmm (i dont know what to type)
Never is a promise.