sea of blankets

Feeling: achy
Time: 5:55 PM Oh man, what a Monday. Not like it was any different from usual Monday, they all kinda stink like wet monkeys on parade. I have my first Chemistry test tomorrow and I should be studying for it right now but I am tired from my endless Monday life. Plus, my head hurts. I'm sorry to everyone who's getting annoyed with my complaining here, I'm in a complaining Monday mood. The highlight of my day was probably when I saw a double rainbow that double arched. Let me explain: basically, there was this one full rainbow and then directly on top of it was a mirror image rainbow and then some space and then another rainbow. Let me tell you, it was the second best rainbow I've ever seen. The first being a double arched where both of them were double rainbows that I saw on the way home from Colorado State two years ago. That was sweet, I have pictures. It was perfectly centered over the road we were driving on too. Very cool. Anyways, enough rainbow talk. I am so stressed right now, I have my Chemistry test tomorrow and two tests on Wednesday (AnS214 and Accounting). Basically, I'm almost guaranteed to fail both of my Wednesday tests so that will be a fun day. Not only will I be up all night studying and then fail two tests, I have to then go to work and try to function there. It will not be cool, let me tell you. If I live to tell about it, I will of course write in my sit diary. Well, that's about it for now, I should really get to studying. Although I may nap for awhile first as I have a killer headache. Boo hiss!! Why tonight? you know you love me ;)
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monday is a horrible way to waste a seventh of your life...everyone hates mondays, at least i do, and u and i are all that matters right?