salami and cheese 11.14

10.05 p Genetics test tomorrow. While I wait for my practice quizes to print, I can take the time to write this entry. I am so tired though, I might go to bed soon. But I have to write about my weekend first. I had such an amazing time at the Life Ops conference. It may have been only 24 hours, but that 24 hours may have changed my life, we will see. There's a lot of decisions that have to be made but luckily, not too soon. Plenty of time to pray about it all and ask advice from people. But I am about 90-95% sure that I'm being called to France this summer. We'll see about the rest of it after that. I am so glad I went though because I totally needed it. TP needed it too. She finally decided to take the next big step and interview for staff. I'm so excited because she's finally answering the call. 'Bout time too! Too bad I only got about 10 hours of sleep total this weekend. The bed at the Marriott was seriously the most comfortable bed I've ever slept on. I think it was one of those Swedish foam things and it was like heaven, I swear. I only wish we could stay longer so I could sleep on it more. I wanted to bring it back with me!! We ate dinner as a campus last night at the seriously most beautiful house I've ever been inside in my entire life. It was one of Gary and Cristin's supporters' house. They made steak and potatoes for 33 people. It was awesome. Also awesome: talking to Nate A. because he's highlarous. Also, he asked me if I was single "in case anyone askes". That makes me happy inside, I must say. TP and I did the craziest thing on Friday night. We borrowed Kathrina's key and went in Jenn's room while she went up to Life Ops early and cleaned it and covered her ceiling in Christmas lights, and covered her walls in furniture in sticky notes with encouragement on them. It was fun but took forever!!! When Jenn got home this evening, she called TP. I think she was a little freaked out at first but then she realized that it was us and what we did and she laughed and laughed. Hooooooooooo haaaaaaaaaaa hooooooooooo haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Um, yeah, I think that's enough for me, back to studying! I think I'm going to bed at 11 though, I'm sleepy. you know you love me ;) PS - I also went shopping at the Gap and bought 4 shirts and a skirt for under $35!! I'm cute now!!
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silly rabbit, you were cute before you bought GAP clothes. :)
"are you single?" = "i think you're cute."
