
I was going to write yesterday on tha most loving day ever. Yesterday was my 2 year anniversary of tha first and only time i ever made love wit tha one i loved well still do but u know not together boo hoo. Well ne wayz my friend Tony got me tha most fuckin beautiful gift ever first he got me a big box of turtles yummy and then a cute ass card and well then this teddy bear right well tha teddy bear had a box attached to it well inside tha box it was a ring from zales it is freakin gorgeuos.That was tha first for me every to get a piece of jewerly not even my first love got me something like that what the hell actually all he did was make love to me but man it was good. Ok my mind is slippin....Well i hope everyone had as good one like i did i will try to write more often then like once a week. Later *smooches*
Read 2 comments
I commented on one of your entries earlier and it disappeared, or maybe I'm just not looking in the right places. Heh. Oh well.

Cigarettes seem to be a pretty popular thing. Andy once told me that he started because it looked cool and it gave him something to do with his hands. It was a one time thing, I don't wanna get hooked like my friends.

Yeah that's kind of how it is for me too, smoking is a pretty popular thing so I figured why not try it and see what's so great. I liked it but I have to keep telling myself not to get that habit started, ya know?
