*62* Smarter then the average baboon

Feeling: balanced
Adult life has been treating me very well. Tuesday i went and spent 160 bucks in groceries got me some helly food. I am very proud of myself cause i did that and i did it by myself. I gotta go get my g.e.d book tomorrow so i can study it and late march or 1st of april i am taking the test and then signing up for my classes in fall at ivy tech. See the adult is coming out. I have to go to the dentist tomorrow i have been going for a month every friday to get my teeth finally all perfect which is so good. I am just so proud of myself I have finally kicked my self in the ass and got shit done. I guess it was tha 14 hrs. of sleep i did from 5 p.m yesterday till 7:50 a.m today. My daughter was really tired so she went to bed really earlier the earliest she has ever gone to be bed and slept through the whole night so i went to bed to. When your a parent you do that stuff gotta take a advantage of sleep. Well i am off here i have done enough writing lately. I wrote my friend a 5 page letter and still writing her so i am going go finish it up.Later *smooches*
Read 2 comments
wow 2 ur site
and i think ur entry was ok...i should've been more spasific...
and sorry about my spelling!

Glad to hear that your adult side is coming out, good luck with tech school & everything.

I know what you mean about the whole taking advantage of sleep thing. I used to work at a daycare, when the kids slept, so did I. Haha.
