there's ppl like me

Feeling: moody
my day was so sleepy, im doing a school work now... how bored. I havent cut since last friday, and since i saw the program bout cutters and since some ppl tell me to stop, i dont know im trying really hard to stop. I promised benji i wasnt gonna do it again, and i will try, but being far from him makes me so fucking sad, and thats why i sometimes cut. Im not telling u its his fault, cuz i also cut cuz i feel like no one understands me and my friends arent like me; they just have a happy life and i dont... Im not a drama queen, but U JUST DONT KNOW HOW I FEEL!!! i wanna talk to someone like me plz!! (benji i need u)
Read 8 comments
yeah. it does feel good. for a while. and then people find out and call you names and you feel ashamed for what you have done to yourself. and you've hurt others. oh well, I got over it.

and I have the CD too. I love thee Sum 41! :D
hey, im NOT benji, but i'll talk to u if u need sum1 and no one else is around, k? well anyways (not bashing u or anything), i've cut myself before, and i dont think it feels good.. but hey, people feel different things, ya know? well alright, look me up. l8er.
its DEAD kennedys not (death)....and p.s stop hiding in your own world, I hate goth people
nopies. i got yahoo messenger, im on that, like, every single day for at LEAST 5 minutes. LoL
my average time on yahoo is. bout 5 hours. lol but im about to go to bed.. so g' night.
my email is
Ah, jeez, don't tell anyone you cut. It has a tendancy to form shame, and you certainly don't need that. I cut because it turns me on. 'Used to cut from anger, but now i confront. Also from the cliche "noone understands me", but that wasn't a real reason, and delayed the process of discovering the real problem.

I'm sorry if this just ain't helping and wow.. i'm on your friends list? That goth-hater boy who commeneted has an invalid opinion. =p
I guess what i'm ATTEMPTING (but seemingly failing) to say is, there's nuthin' wrong with cutting. Keep your mind on hygeine; steralise your instruments if there's a chance you will cut. Don't get me wrong, there are serious disadvantages from self mutilation, but as are there disadvantages from smoking. Above all, KEEP SAFE. And remember: Stay beautiful.
Do you still need to talk to someone you can relate to? Don't respond to this if it feels uneasy, i can understand. Thank you, by the way, for granting me worth.
Awwww....poor you