shitty night, oh u stupid!!!

Listening to: the used
Feeling: subdued
ok so last nite there was this "party" near my house, and i went with some friends. there was this guy, he's in my school, and we stared talking, i dont like him or anything, but u know i was bored, so we went to make out. we kissed once, but it felt so weird, it sucked, not b cuz of the kiss, but bcuz there were like no feelings attached at all, and the guy wanted to start kissing again, but i was like hey no better lets go back to the party. i felt so STUPID , bcuz i dont know i just made it to have fun, but it was so shitty, man, and the guy latter on he as like trying to hold my hand, but hell i dont like him at all!!!. i just hated the night, i wish i could just erase it.....
Read 5 comments
music is hot.. like these guys...
There there friend it'll all be okay. Did you draw the picture in your background? Just wondering. If so you are a fantasmic artist. See ya around.

Your welcome there friend. Keep drawing your great. Have a swell day.

thx urs is cool too
how did you make like stupid to be really big in your entry??? Nice diary.