my mourner

Listening to: atreyu
Feeling: pissedoff
Its all combined in a hope of false believes Mixed in a column on dry concrete, And u feel everything cut and slit, Wet and clod, numb and slow And u stay calmed, desperate by silence, Quiet and unable to scream, U try to breathe, but to catch air is so dangerous, U see me in an imaginary state. So come, join my peaceful, painful reality, Come and share ur ripped skin with my calcium bones, Salty wounds and sweet antidotes, Bleeding laments, dying soul.. Call me, whisper, sing, u mourner Don’t let out secrets out, keep it dirty Trapped and hidden And cover it up with ur dead hands. And the necklace I gave u Now stained in red, (colors doesn’t exist) Feelings blended and molten In a cell of sorrow and no scape. But could u wake up And pretend it was just a dream, Eyes wide open flooded in tears, Surrounded, caught, never asleep.. So listen my mourner, Bloodshot heart and burst veins, Hold me tight feel the embrace, Forsaken lover, kiss me here… tell me what u think *********** [ ] I am bisexual or homosexual. [ x] I've consumed alcohol. [ ] I've run away from home. [x] I have lied to my parents about where I am. [ ] I don't like Bush because from what I hear, he is dumb. [ ] I don't like Bush with my own reasons to back it up. [ ] I am for Bush. [x ] I don't really care about Bush [ ] I listen to political music. [ ] I have collected comic books. [x] I shut others out when I'm depressed. [ ] I open up to others easily. [x] I am keeping a secret from the world [ ] I watch the news. [ ] I own over 5 rap CDs. [x] I own an iPod or MP3 [x] I own something from Hot Topic [ ] I love Disney Movies. [ ] I am a sucker for brown hair. [ ] I don't kill bugs. [x] I curse regularly. [ ] I paid for that cell phone ring. [ ] I am a sports fanatic. [] I have "x"s in my screen name. [ ] I've slipped out an "lol" in a real conversation. [ ] I love Spam. [x ] I bake well. [] I would wear pajamas to school. [ ] I own something from Abercrombie. [ ] I have a job. [ ] I love Martha Stewart. [ ] I am in love with love. [ ] I am guilty oF tYpInG lIkE tHiS. [x] I am self conscious. [] I like to laugh. [ ] I smoke a pack a day. [ ] I loved Perks of Being a Wallflower. [ ] I loved Go Ask Alice. [ ] I have cough drops when I'm not sick. [ ] I can't swallow pills. [ ] I can swallow about 5 pills at a time no problem [x] I eat fast food weekly. [x] I have many scars. [x ] I've been out of this country. [x] I can't sleep if there is a spider in the room. [ ] I am really ticklish. [ ] I see a therapist. [x] I love chocolate. [x] I bite my nails. [ x] I am comfortable with being me. [ ] I play video games. [ x] I'm single [ ] I'm in a relationship [ ] Had someone cheat on you [x] Miss someone right now [x] lost a loved one [ ] snuck out of the house [ ] gotten lost in your city [ ] saw a shooting star [ ] been to any other countries besides the united states [ x] had a serious surgery [x] gone out in public in your pajamas [ ] kissed a stranger [ ] hugged a stranger [ ] been in a fist fight [ ] been arrested [ ] done drugs [ ] laughed and had a drink come out of your nose [ ] pushed all the buttons on an elevator [ ] made out in an elevator [ ] swore at your parents [x] kicked a guy where it hurts [x] been in love [ x] been close to love [ ] been to a casino [ ] been skydiving [ ] broken a bone [ ] been high [ ] had sex [ x] given someone a bruise [ ] skinny-dipped [] skipped school [x] flashed someone [ ] had oral surgery [ ] done the splits [ ] drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour [x] bitten someone [ ] been to Niagara Falls [ ] gotten the chicken pox [ ] been dumped [x] had feelings for someone who didnt have them back [ ] stole something from your job [ ] gone on a blind date [x] lied to a friend [ ] had a crush on a teacher (substitutes count too) [ ] saw someone die [ ] been to Africa [ ] Driven over 400 miles in one day [ ] Been to Canada [ ] Been to Mexico [x] Been on a plane [ ] Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show [ ] Thrown up in a bar [ ] Purposely set a part of myself on fire [ x] Eaten Sushi [ ] Been snowboarding [ ] Met someone in person from the internet (facebook counts!) [ ] Been moshing at a rock show [ ] Been to a moto cross show [xxxxxxxx] had real feelings for someone you knew only online [ ] taken partially nude/nude photos of yourself [ ] been in an abusive relationship [x] tried killing yourself [x] taken painkillers [x] love someone or miss someone right now
Read 3 comments
thanx so much...=)
Could you be any more EMOlicious? your only 14, go back to your babysitta...ciao bitch! loves ya! hot bitch!
can you help me? I want to know how to get the pictures in your header. Not the beginning of an entry, but your header. No one will help me.. So can you? please?
xoxo, Joni