In The Library5

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: alright
In the library again. Well there's no where else to go in this damn school except the cafe but there's even less to do in there. I have bio now so that's why I'm here. I haven't been to bio in like 3 weeks because I know we're doing nothing and I don't want to be bored out of my mind. I got a job. I think everyone should know that. Yep I work at some lil restaurant in La Broquerie. I only work on weekends but meh it's some money. Exams are next week and I'm not that worried but maybe I should be. I don't think I'm going to fail. Well my marks are high enough that even if I do fail the exam I'll pass the course. Maybe I'm just telling myself that to make myself feel better. I have a really bad cold and it kinda hurts to smoke but I smoke anyways. I smoke a lot and I should really cut down. I'm really getting sick of living with my dad. I mean he's never home and I think by him buying me smokes he thinks that that makes up for it. He never really buys food until me or Pat yell at him, and he always brings his loser friends over. Frenchie(one of his friends) like just walks in the house like he lives there. I was in my room and its like right above the rec room and I heard him walk in and my dad didn't even come for like 20mins and he was down there. He's done his laundry at our house and he eats there all the time. When my dad was going to take me to wpg he told Frenchie that he could stay there while we were gone and I told my dad not to let him and my dad's like why not he's not a thief and I'm like well how do you know? and besides it's not even his house. It's not my dad's fault he lives in a barn. Then he (Frenchie) is all trying to disipline me and I'm like excuse me whatever is between me and my dad is between me and my dad. He has no right interfering and acting like he's known me my entire life. Then my dad's other friend is like a really bad drunk and I dont like being around him cuz he's always like you're so beautiful and shit and he's like old and it makes me really uncomfortable. I don't even know why my dad brings them to the house. I can't even be in my house without them being there for one night. It's creepy and I always make faces behind their back to my dad or Pat. Well that's my lil rant for today.
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i like ur screen name