In the city

Feeling: achy
So I came to the city yesterday thinking that I was going to go back that night, but it turns out that I didn't. So me and spongie were walking to Mac's to get some smokes when we were in the middle of walking across the road (london and kimberly by the hill) in front of a car that stopped at a stop sign. When we were in front of the car it speeds up and hits us. We were on the hood I think that's when the driver realized that they had hit something so they stopped and we rolled off. I lost my shoe in teh process. So when the girl rolled down her window and asked us if we were alright I just said "my shoe." She backed up I got my shoe and I limped toward the sidewalk wher I sat down to put on my shoe and me and spongie started laughing so hard. It was kinda funny. After that we walked to Roger's to rent Amityville Horror and Mindhunters. They're both good movies. So yea....wont be leaving til later on. My dad's coming down cuz there's a football game. God I remember the last time there was a football game it wasn't very nice. We ended up leaving Pat here cuz he was being all pyschoish. Oh what to do. The game starts at like 3pm so they wont be back til like after 7. That's gives me plenty of time to do nothing. And surprisingly I'm done my homework. Til next time. Yours, Nat
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You got hit by a fucking car!? hahahahahahha!!!
SUE! SUE! Free money!