[10] Ramblings

Listening to: the tv
Feeling: eager
i want to go play in the rain :o it looks like so much fun..maybe i should go swimming but theres lightning..*sigh*...o well i cant wait until octtober 5th ahh 54 days... why cant i wait? well the new good charlotte cd is comming out that day..the chronicles of life and death. yes, waiting patiently.. i found that out in teen people. magazines are the only thing i read unless i find an interesting book. i just relized i can talk for a half an hour about nothing its amazing i was talking to my friend jayme for a half an hour i went from a couch to a canadian goose and she did not get a single word into the conversation and haha lmao thats funny and now its an inside joke... i miss her already.. she lives about 45 minutes away and i dont see her that much she is my best friend and yah... anyways i am going to the trailor this weekend yay :D its halloween lol u are probably confused see we have halloween in august becasue the trailor park isnt open over the real halloween soo. i think i am going to take amandas idea that she gave me i am going ot be a goth yes a goth and yah well i am going to go watch a movie.. i watch way to many movies... i feel likea loooong movie so i am going to watch lord of the rings.. my fave is the two towers so i am going to end this very long entry ...so ciao for now
Read 5 comments
lol u can go talkign for along time wabout weird and random things lol.
yay! good charlotte! lol gc rocks! i luvv them! i cant wait either! love ur diary by the way!

*gasp* i went out n played in that rain!! r u going to our baseball game tonight again?
hey =) pretty diary