[19] Quiz

Feeling: antsy
::x::Name:.·-» Stephanie ::o::Birthday:.·-» december 4th ::x::Shoe size:.·-» 8 1/2 i have big feet =( ::o::Height:.·-» 5'3 ::x::Eye color:.·-» dark brown ::o::Hair color:.·-» red at the momment ::x::Hair length:.·-» a little bit past shoulders ::o::Grade:.·-» nine ::x::Nicknames:.·-» steph, stephz, stepherz ::o::What Languages do you speak:.·-» English ::x::Are you a morning or night person:.·-» night ::o::Are you ticklish:.·-» oh god yah ::x::Do you have braces:.·-» yepp ::o::Do you have glasses/contacts:.·-» nope ::x::What do you want to be when you grow up:.·-» art restorer ::o::Do you have a boyfriend:.·-» no...damn ::x::What are you most scared of:.·-» needles frogs lakes ::o::If you had an extra set of eyes, where would you put them:.·-» good charlottes tour bus lol ::x::What do you usually think about before you go to bed:.·-» how comfy my bed is -x0x-FaVoRiTeSzZ-xox- ::o::Movie[s]:.·-» The virgin suicides, edward scissor hands, mean girls, white oleander, a cinderella story, save the last dance....do u want me to continue? ::x::Song[s]:.·-» predictions- good charlotte, vindicated-dashboard confessional, little know it all- sum 41 and iggy pop and american idiot- greenday ::o::Band/group[s]:.·-» Good charlotte and alexisonfire ::x::Store[s]:.·-» bluenotes, w49 and boathouse and its all good ::o::Vacation spot:.·-» florida ::x::Fruit[s]:.·-»strawberries and peaches ::o::Class:.·-» art or science even thpugh i fail miserably in science ::x::Holiday:.·-» halloween ::o::Color:.·-» lime green and black ::x::Magazine[s]:.·-» go J14! ::o::TV Show[s]:.·- rfr thats so raven survivor the oc csi law and order til death do us part ::x::Meat:.·-» ew ::o::Pizza topping:.·-» olives ::x::Book:.·-» the outsiders -xox-HaVe YoU eVeR-xox- ::x::Done drugs:.·-» nope ::o::Eaten an entire box of Oreos:.·-» i wish ::x::Been dumped:.·-» nope ::o:: Hicked a mountain:.·-» yepp ::x::Been in love:.·-» yes.... ::o::Seen the White House:.·-» who would want to ::x::Seen the Eiffel Tower:.·-» no...shit ::o::Tried smoking DrUgS:.·-» no ::x::Drank alcohol:.·-» of course ::o::Smoked marijuana:.·-» no ::x::Played Monopoly:.·-» its my favourite game ::o::Seen Titanic:.·-» hell yeah ::x::Kissed someone:.·-» yepp ::o::Jumped on a trampoline:.·-» yes =D ::x::Visited another country:.·-» the usa i guess ::o::Had a bubble bath:.·-» about an hour a go ::x::Been on a plane:.·-» yes many times ::o::Been on a boat:.·-» ooohh yah and its fun ::x::Been on a train:.·-» yepp ::o::Been in a car accident:.·-» No.. and i never want to be ::x::Made a web page:.·-» yes ::o::Played with Barbies:.·-» yeah who hasnt ::x::Stayed up all night:.·-» yes ::o::Called a psychic or sex hotline:.·-» yah lmao ::x::Watched Jerry Springer:.·-» hell yeah ::o::Gotten in trouble for talking in class:.·-» yeah all the time ::x::Been afraid of the dark:.·-» no ::o::Had stitches:.·-» no ::x::Dumped someone and regretted it:.·-» no ::o::Lied:.·-» yesss ::x::Been arrested:.·-» no ::o::Fallen asleep in class:.·-» yes ::x::Met a celebrity:.·-» no ::o::Broken the law:.·-» ya -xox-dO yOu-xox- ::o::Like to walk in the rain:.·-» of course ::x::Sleep with or without clothes:.·-» depends...hmmmm lmfao ::o::Prefer black or blue pens:.·-» blue ::x::Dress up on Halloween:.·-»of course ::o::Have a job:.·-» no ::x::Like to travel:.·-» yepp ::o::Like someone:.·-» yes ::x::Sleep on your side, tummy, or back:.·-» doesn't matter ::o::Want to marry:.·-» yup ::x::Have a goldfish:.·-» the scare me expecially there eyes ::o:Have stuffed animals:.·-» tons -xox-oThEr-xox ::o::Do you like your handwriting:.·-» no its pointless ::x::Do you have any piercings:.·-» yes 3 ::o::Any tattoos:.·-» no ::x::What tattoo would you want:.·-» young and hopeless ::o::Where:.·-» lower back ::x::What is the one place you have to visit before you die:.·-» spain ::o::Where do you work[if you work]:.·-» dont work ::x::Do you own a mini skirt:.·-» many ::o::Do you floss:.·-» i am suppose to but i dont ::x::Where is the farthest you have traveled:.·-» florida ::o::Do you curse a lot:.·-» fuck ::x::Got milk:.·-» sure... -xox-tHiS oR tHaTt-xox- ::x::Pierced nose or tongue:.·-» tongue ::o::Be serious or funny:.·-» both ::x::Single or taken:.·-» taken ::o::Simple or complicated:.·-» simple ::x::Law or anarchy:.·-» anarchy ::o::MTV or vh1:.·-» mtv ::x::7th Heaven or Dawsons Creek:.·-» 7th heaven ::o::Sugar or salt:.·-» sugar ::x::Silver or gold:.·-» silver ::o::Tongue or belly:.·-» hmmmm. ::x::Chocolate or flowers:.·-» flowers ::o::Color or black and white photos:.·-» blakc and white ::x::Sunrise or sunset:.·-» Sunset ::o::M&M's or Skittles:.·-» M&M's ::x::Rap or rock:.·-» rock ::o::Stay up late or sleep in:.·-» both ::x::Tall members of the opposite sex or short:.·-» ahh not too tall not too short ::o::Sun or moon:.·-» moon ::x::Diamond or ruby:.·-» ruby ::o::Left or right:.·-» left ::x::Kids or not:.·-» Kids ::o::Cat or dog:.·-» dog ::x::Half empty or half full:.·-» whats the fucking difference ::o::Mustard or ketchup:.·-» ketchup ::x::Sneakers or sandals:.·-» Sandals ::o::McDonalds or Burger King:.·-» ew shit ::x::Mexican or Italian:.·-» italian ::o::Lights on or off:.·-» off ::x::Duct tape or scotch tape:.·-» scotch ::o::Candy or soda:.·-» candy ::x::A house in the woods or the city:.·-» city ::o::Pepsi or Coke:.·-» coke ::x::Adidas or Nike:.·-» grrr -xox-lOvE lIfFe-xox- ::o::If you could kiss anyone in the world, who would it be:.·-» joel madden ::x::What is the biggest turn on:.·-» long hair ::o::Where is the best place to be kissed:.·-» in the rain on a beach like in sweet home alabama ::x::Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend:.·-» no...damn ::o::Do you want one:.·-» yes ::x::When was your first kiss:.·-» cant remember -xox-pAsTt-xox- ::o::First grade teachers name:.·-» Mrs sheden ::x::Last word you said:.·-» fuck ::o::Last song you sang:.·-» downy by blink 182 ::x::Last time you bled:.·-» today my nose bled like it does every day ::o::Favorite show as a child:.·-» sesamee street and little lulu
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