
Listening to: sell out love
Feeling: affectionate
hes back with her now but ive come across something within my heart ive realized he has found what he was looking for he has found what he needs to be happy therefore my happiness for him blooms with every word i say my love for him as a lover has ceased but my love for him as a friend has an indestructable power within i love him but as a friend he is my good friend nothing more i have come to accept that he is happy and the only way for me to feel the same is to let him go
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if you love someone let them go. if they return then they are yours if they dont they were never yours to begin with

good luck.
hey =) pretty diary
Becoming a bigger fan poem by poem ;) You are totally describing how I wish I could feel about his one guy. Keep n on a-writin'!
much love.