(116.) Used to be number twenty

you 01. name: Rachel 02. single or taken: single 03. sex: women 04. bday: May 11th 05. sign: taurus 06. siblings: younger sister sara and younger brother jacob 07. hair color: brown 08. eye color: green, blue 09. shoe size: haha NO COMMENT 10. height: 6'0'' relationships 01. who are your best friends?: man i gots lots....stephanie, shannon, sarah, kalin, julia i dunno (arn't in any order so chill) 02. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: no fashion | stuff 01. where is your favorite place to shop: um i dunno i guess hot topic :x 02. any tattoos or piercings: 4 in my ears specifics 01. do you do drugs?: NO! 02. what kind of shampoo do you use?: i dunno whatever my mom buys 03. what are you most scared of?: the future 04. what are you listening to right now?: nothing 05. who is the last person that called you?: um wow i kinda hate the phone..but im thinking shannon on saturday 06. where do you want to get married?: i dunno 07. what would you change about yourself?: everything favorites 01. color: pink,purple,blue,orange 02. boys' names: i dunno 03. girls' names: i dunno 04. subjects in school: math... 05. sports: no thanks have | you | ever 01. given anyone a bath?: um not that i can remember? 02. smoked?: no 04. made yourself throw up?: no...wtf 05. skinny dipped?: no... 06: ever been in love?: no 07. pictured your crush naked?: who hasnt!? 08. cried when someone died?: yes 09. lied: yes 10. fallen for your best friend?: no...im not a les ok? 11. been rejected?: sure... 12. rejected someone?: i dunno 13. used someone?: i don't like to but if i need a ride man your my best friend ahahah jk 14. done something you regret?: YEAH current 01. clothes: nightmare before christmas shirt, black pj pants, black hoodie 02. make-up: eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascar, the works man 03. annoyance: rachel banks 04. smell: nothing 05. favorite artist: i dunno i have lots 06. favorite group: well i dunno..it changes A LOT 07. book you're reading: Lucky 08. dvd in player: GRIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 09. color of toenails: i don't have any nailpolish on them at the moment do | you | ever 01. sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?: yea i guess unitl my dad says "get out of my room" dick! 02. save conversations: yes are | you 01. understanding: yea i think so 02. open-minded: um at times not really 03. arrogant: sure 04. insecure: about my feet YES 05. interesting: no...not really 06. random: i dunno am i? 07. hungry: a little 08. smart: no 10. hard working: depends on what im working on 11. organized: yes 12. healthy: no i woke up sick today grr 13. shy: sometimes :/ 14. difficult: can be..don't piss me off and i wont be 15. attractive: NO 16. bored easily: depends 17. messy: only on the school days, bc i get too tired 18. responsible: yes 19. obsessed: oh god with lots of things :x SPIDER MAN... 20. happy: half the time i guess 21. hyper: no not really 22. trusting: yea..i hope who | do | you | wanna 01. kill?: Rachel Banks 02. get really wasted with?: ALLL Of my friends mwahahhah 03. get high with: nobody 05. talk to online: wtf random 01. in the morning i am: sleepy, slow 02. love is: something we all want 03. i dream about: having really easy going parents...lame? which | is | better 01. coke or pepsi: coke except it kills you 02. flowers or candy: flowers!!!!! 03. tall or short: ummm tall i guess? 01. what do you notice first: hair or shoes 02. last person you slow danced with: omfg i have no idea...prob one of my friends HAHA cough sarah cough 03. worst question to ask: ahahhahah oh geez
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