*** One Hundred and Fourty.

| you | height: 6' hair color: brown skin color: uh white lol eye color: blue/green i guess boy/girl friend: nope piercings: my ears like everyone one else tattoos: nope | right now | what color pants are you wearing: my eeyore pjs lol what song are you listening to: im not what taste is in your mouth: that nasty morning taste yuck what's the weather like: cold and sunny how are you: um ok i guess bored who are you talking to: sarah i wish: with my friends :/ i feel: hungry i taste: nothing yet. i need: to get a shower i hear: nothing im home alone i love: you ;) | do you | get motion sickness: uh i dunno have a bad habit: yes i guess get along with your parents: yea i gues like to drive: havn't yet love anyone: um im not sure yet miss anyone: ...yes.. smoke: nope drink: not really have a best friend: yes i have 4 :) and i love them all | favorite | tv show: ONE TREE HILL non alcoholic drink: cherry pepsi alcoholic drink: i dunno thing to do on the weekend: hang out with my friends | have you | broken the law: hm well yes maybe ran away from home: when i was little my mom and dad would yell at me so i would pack my things and walk down the street about a half mile and be like fuck this and go home... snuck out of the house: nope ever gone skinny dipping: nope made a prank phone call: yes who hasnt ever tipped over a porta potty: ew no used your parents' credit card before: no skipped school before: havn't we all..? fell asleep in the shower/bath: no been in a school play: no let a friend cry on your shoulder: yes.. | love | sexuality: straight children: someday i guess current crush: you don't need to know that been in love: nope been hurt: ... your greatest regret: um..i have lots of regrets i suck :x gone out with someone you only knew for three days: nope | random | do you have a job: no not yet your cd player has in it right now: something corporate if you were a crayon what would you be: ORANGE what makes you happy: being with my friends who makes you happiest: my friends what's the next cd you're gonna get: im not sure ill let you know when i get it who do you consider good friends: sarah..kalin..steph..shannon | when or what was the last | time you cried: today you got a real letter: wow long time ago you got email: today thing you purchased: my killers shirt tv program you watched: er movie you saw in the theater: hide and seek...and soon to be the BOOGY MAN!
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