(211.) I'm just going to list things that are on my mind.

♥ It'll be three weeks this thursday since i've seen shannon. ♥ It'll be three weeks thursday since i've gone out. ♥ I'm 95% sure that i'm moving downstairs. ♥ I want more blonde in my hair!!! ♥ I'm getting my hair cut as short as ashlee simpsons before school. ♥ AND IF ANYONE GOES OUT AND GETS THEIR HAIR FUCKING CUT OR COLORED LIKE MINE I'LL FLIP OUT ♥ I've been really happy this whole week! ♥ Happiness doesn't come easy like it used to for me. ♥ I've grown so much this summer. ♥ I'm not as scared for the future like i used to be. ♥ I still wish for that special guy. ♥ I want to go to the mall like no other. ♥ I've learned how to control my anger. ♥ I'm going to be putting so much money into my room. ♥ I'm really excited to go school shopping! ♥ I'm really worried about the first day of school.. ♥ ..but im really excited for the school year ♥ I'm really looking forward to the football games this year! ♥ I'm going to request off fridays for the football games. ♥ I bought this awesome key chain the other day! ♥ The new show Beautiful People is awesome i LOVE it. ♥ I'm doing something different with my bookbag this year. ♥ I secretly get really nervous when it comes to the school dances ♥ I'm not going to prom unless i have a date ( can you go without a date? ) ♥ Which means I'm not going to prom ♥ that makes me really sad
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kuhn i got my hair cut yesterday...im not sure if i like it...it will grow on to me ...i hope