dont shake i hate to see you tremble

okay so i went to the dentist today and got my teeth cleaned. and boy did they need it. i know its gross but im real bad at not brushing my teeth. DUDE MY FUCKING WISDOM TEETH ARE COMING IN! and im only fucking 15. im like fuck. so i have to get them cut out pretty soon. and im gonna be swollen for 2-3 days so i have to make sure theres no shows coming for a few days after i get this done. i also bought new lips rings again today cause i lost one of the balls that screw on one end. i dont know if i swallowed it or what.
Read 12 comments
you have good taste. and what happened with your last lip ring was, we were making out and it got a little out of hand, duh, don't you remember? people who say they don't love you are just lying, they really do, they just want to be "cool" like that. oh well, fuck them, because i love you.
your snakebites are haute
i'm sorry love. :( OH...and by the way, that picture of you is, H-O-T.
I pretty much love your piercings.
i pretty much think your so hott. wow.

lol looove you!
i got my wisdom teeth removed last year... on fucking halloween. yeah, it sucks, but it's not as bad as i thought it was going to be.
you are sooo pretty!
Sorry. I'm just some total random stranger. but you are very pretty.
holy moses, you have flawless skin.
just thought i would let you know.
hey girly, i saw the comment you left Jeff, and yeah him and Jimmy are pretty stupid.....expecially Jimmy, i heard he was going out with Amy Rumas....

LMAO! you!!
'bout a week and a half..
yeah he cut it
your lip rings look awesome. dentists are no fun. last time i went, they said i had like 2 or 3 cavities... then they told me that my brushing habits are great, ironic, no? haha.

the march of flames?
