the 4th

well we shot off fireworks at ricks brothers house. i really cant stand his side of the family. they are really fucking weird. i ejoyed talking/hanging out with whitney though. shes the only one i like on ricks side. i burnt my thumb alot trying to light shit. i love fucking around with fire. mom was bitching cause me and the boys were fighting alot but i mean what do you expect. and shes retarded cause i asked for a pop and she handed me a beer. so i drank some but i wasnt in the mood for it though.
Read 11 comments
thank you.
ooo, fireworks are fun. we've never been able to light them around here, cause it's illegal in my city and my dad is a retired cop... hahaha, so he never lets us buy any.
Youuu pyro, you. Haha.
hi how did your fourth go
Naughty Naughty....Tisk Tisk lol nice one Trista haha j/k I dont even know what I keep going on for....hope you guys had fun tonight...guess what I got my lip fixed :-D
love you
hey girly! sounds like you had an awesome fourth...but you should have came with us! time you're going with Bobby, Bailey, Seth and I to the country, since we love you and because you hate Rick's side of the family!

haha love yah! :) xoxo!
Haha PYROOO, I hate fire it's scary I'm afraid of lighters haha, heck yes I got a hoodie finally, it's kinda neat it already ripped, cheap...
Buttt I saw thrice, and 2 mins of underoath, emery, atreyu, the starting line, mxpx, the unseen, stutterfly, the bled duhh, a thorn for every heart, that's all I remember haha, overall I only think a thorn for every heart was extremely good and I was surprised, and than the bled was good as usual.
Hahaha I did the max of the word er letter limits on my last comment, are you going to warped tour?
that sounded like fun..but the fireworks at the park were kick ass..if you didnt see it.
Lameeee I hate when people leave early it's like you paid 30 bucks to stay for like 3 hours, don't worry haha you didn't miss much, errr I don't think it was that good this year.
fireworks whooohooo... hm, right anyways, hi.