I miss kimberley... alot

Feeling: wretched
Today was a okay day its saterday i went with jer jer (guy05) and kyle i forget his name and steve and desmend for most of the day. lets start from the begining. i had a dream about kimberley i dreamt we were back together and everything was fine but its a bitch when u wake up and the first thing u feel is that u miss ur x girlfriend. newayz i went to go get my haircut after i mowed the lawn. i got my hair cut at big league barbers awsome place for 13 dollers u get haircut and shampoo and a backrub which always is nice. especially when theres a hot girl rubbing it. but i ddint get the hot girl i got the black fat lady it was okay i jsut closed my eyes. newayz then we went to borders booksotre and i bought a really good cd recomended by Tiffani Boles (in your wake). The cd is Matt skiba and Kevin Secounds split cd. its really good kinda acoustical but badd ass lyrics and melodies. well then i went to jer's house and we made our kkk costumes but then like always steve says hes ganna be late so i did some skating footage. i landed a double kickflip which is awsome cuz now i can finale say that i do skate when people ask. bc when ever i ask if they skate they say yeah the can hardly ollie owning a skateboard doesnt mean u can skate. Newayz we then met up wit kyle who which had a extra vaccum cleaner and we beat it with baseball bats and stuff then steve came and we bought some mexican drink its on guy o five diarie in big letters. umm i forget guanabana? newayz then desmind met as and we went to a empty parking lot and suited up in r white supremest suits and started taping it was really cool cuz i did backflips and stuff in the outfit so it added some flare to the flick. then we went driving with dezmond i keep on changing the spelling of his name but thats okay. newayz we went driving in the suits kinda looked weird lol yelled some rude things then went to the movies to play some arcade games. i didnt play i just watched bc theres no way in hell im playing 2 buck for a game newayz we played for a while walked all the way fucking home cuz steve left so jer was like we'll just walk home. newayz long ass story so im about to cut to the exciting part. lost a b ball game to two girl agains 3 guys jer me and kyle. me jacob herman my bestfriend in middle school. jumped off a roof. drop kicked a retail sign. and get emabarssed cuz jer and kyle yelled at everybody going by. okay so i get home then i go imediatly back out to kroger our local grocery store and i bought some fried chicken and some rootbeer kinda hickish but iw as in the mood. well then the whole day no matter what we did i missed kimbo. i hoped she would of called while i was out like she usualy does but she didnt. and to make it worse my dad rented the movie big fish. the first movie kimberley and i saw together and it was a special night cuz its when we decided to go out. and it was a good movie so its something to remeber. i was going to buy her the dvd for our 6 month aniversery and take her out and stuff but i guess not anymore. i miss her alot. i waited for about ten min for her to call then i broke down and called her. she wasnt home so i hit her cell it was off i left a messege i miss her i dont think shell call i miss her alot. theres this song on the new cd i bought the split one matt skiba and kevin secounds in case u forgot. its called good fucking by above our the lyrics in case u care to look. Good Fucking Bye
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matthew.it will be ok. just think of all the fun things you can do now that u are single. everything works out for the best. u'll get over it soooner or later ..trust me. i speak the truth.